#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################ # # File: releasenotes.cgi,v # Revision: # Description: Produce an HTML table of bugs for a release page # Author: Andrew@DeFaria.com # Created: Fri May 31 15:34:50 2002 # Modified: 2007/05/17 07:45:48 # Language: Perl # # (c) Copyright 2007, ClearSCM, Inc., all rights reserved. # ################################################################################ use strict; use CGI qw/:standard *table/; use Cwd; use lib qw(//sonscentral/users/adefaria/www/cgi-bin); use cqc; #%cqc::fields; #$cqc::command; my $page = new CGI; my $release = $page->param ("release"); my @intro_notes; my @buglines; # Colors my $header_background = "#ffffcc"; my $header_foreground = "#000000"; my $data_background = "#ffffff"; my $data_foreground = "#000000"; sub Error; sub Footing; sub ReleaseForm { print start_form ({-action => "/Release/releasenotes.cgi", -method => "post"}) . h4 ("Look up other Release:", textfield ({-name => "release", -size => 12, -value => "Please specify"}), submit ({-value => "Display"}) ) . end_form . "\n"; } # ReleaseForm sub Heading { my $release = shift; if ($release) { print header (-title => "Release $release") . "\n" . start_html (-title => "Release $release", -author => "Andrew\@DeFaria.com", -link => "#0000ee", -vlink => "#cc33cc", -alink => "#ff0000", -bgcolor => "#eeffff", -text => "#000000", -script => {-language => "JavaScript1.2", -src => "/Javascript/Heading.js"}), p ({-align => "right"}, a ({-href => "/Release/addbug"}, "Add a bug to a release") . "\n" . br a ({-href => "file://///sons-clearcase/Views/official/Tools/bin/clearcase/triggers/data/rel_2.2.lst"}, "Official US 2.2 list") . "\n" . br a ({-href => "file://///sons-cc/Views/official/Tools/bin/clearcase/triggers/data/china_2.2.lst"}, "Official Shanghai 2.2 list")) . "\n" . h1 ({-align=>"CENTER"}, "Release $release") . "\n" . h2 ("Introduction") . "\n"; } else { print header (-title => "Release $release") . "\n" . start_html (-title => "Release $release", -author => "Andrew\@DeFaria.com") . "\n"; Error "Release not specified!"; } # if } # Heading sub Footing { ReleaseForm; print script ({-language => "JavaScript1.2", -src => "/JavaScript/Footing.js"}) . "\n"; print end_html; } # Footing sub PrintIntroNotes { (scalar (@intro_notes) == 0) ? return : print ul (@intro_notes) . "\n"; } # PrintIntroNotes sub LockedLabel { my $bugid = shift; # We need to set a view context. Use the official view my $cwd = cwd; my $vob_server = "sons-clearcase"; my $view_path = "Views"; my $view_name = "official"; my $vob = "salira"; my $official_view = '\\\\' . $vob_server . '\\' . $view_path . '\\' . $view_name . '\\' . $vob; chdir $official_view or die "Unable to set view context"; my $output = `cleartool lslock -short lbtype:$bugid`; chomp $output; chdir $cwd or die "Unable to return from view context\n"; # lslock returns the label if it is locked, otherwise it returns # an empty string return $output; } # LabelLocked sub ParseBugFile { my $buglist = shift; my ($result, $owner, $description, $bugid, $state, $line); my $bugnbr = 0; my $locked; open BUGLIST, "$buglist" or Error "Unable to open buglist: $buglist"; while ($line = ) { next if $line =~ /^\#/; # Skip comments chomp $line; if ($line =~ /^\*/) { ($result, $line) = split (/\* /, $line); push (@intro_notes, li ([$line]) . "\n"); } else { ($bugid) = split (/\s+/, $line); $result = cqc::GetBugRecord ($bugid, %fields); ($result <= 0) ? $owner = "Unknown" : $owner = $fields {owner}; if ($result < 0) { $description = "Unable to connect to server!"; } elsif ($result > 0) { $description = "Bug ID not found in Clearquest!"; } else { # Description's too large. Use headline instead. $description = $fields {headline}; } # if if (LockedLabel ($bugid)) { $locked = img ({-src => "/Images/CheckMark.gif"}); } else { $locked = " "; } #if if ($fields {state} eq "Verified" or $fields {state} eq "Closed") { $state = $fields {state}; $locked = img ({-src => "/Images/CheckMark.gif"}); } else { $state = b (font ({-color => "Red"}, $fields {state})); } # if push (@buglines, td ({-width => "25", -align => "center", -bgcolor => $data_background}, small ++$bugnbr) . td ({-bgcolor => $data_background}, small (a ({-href => "/cgi-bin/bugdetails.cgi?bugid=$bugid"}, $bugid))) . td ({-bgcolor => $data_background}, small $state) . td ({-align => "center", -bgcolor => $data_background}, small (a ({-href => "mailto:$owner\@salira.com"}, $owner))) . td ({-align => "center", -valign => "center", -bgcolor => $data_background}, $locked) . td ({-bgcolor => $data_background}, small $description) . "\n"); } # if } # while } # ParseBugFile sub PrintBugTable { if (scalar (@buglines) == 0) { print h3 ("No bugs found!"); } else { my $bugs = (scalar (@buglines) > 1) ? " bugs" : " bug"; print "\n"; print caption (small (strong (scalar (@buglines) . $bugs . " in this release"))) . "\n"; print "
\n"; print start_table({-align => "center", -border => 1, -cellspacing => 1, -cellpadding => 2, -width => "100%"}) . "\n" . Tr ({-valign => "top", -bgcolor => $header_background}, [ th ({-width => "25"}, font ({-color => $header_foreground}, small ("#"))) . th (font ({-color => $header_foreground}, small ("Bug ID"))) . th (font ({-color => $header_foreground}, small ("State"))) . th (font ({-color => $header_foreground}, small ("Owner"))) . th (font ({-color => $header_foreground}, small ("Locked?"))) . th (font ({-color => $header_foreground}, small ("Description"))) ]) . "\n" . Tr({-valign=>"TOP"}, \@buglines) . "\n" . end_table . "\n" . end_table; } # if } # PrintBugTable sub Error { my $errmsg = shift; print h3 ({-style => "Color: red;", -align => "CENTER"}, "ERROR: " . $errmsg); Footing; exit 1; } # Error # Main Heading $release; if ($release) { ParseBugFile ($release . ".bugs"); PrintIntroNotes (@intro_notes); PrintBugTable (@buglines); Footing; } # if