How to use adb with the HTC Hero: Reference: . Make sure Settings: Applications: Development has USB debugging toggle on . Connect Hero to USB cable . On desktop cd to /opt/android/bin . Start adb server as root by doing: $ root ./adb start-server . Verify that you can talk to the device with: $ adb devices List of devices attached HT9BJHF01436 device if you don't see a device listed then something's wrong (Like perhaps you didn't run the adb server as root) . Get root shell with: $ adb shell $ /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh Actually just doing adb shell gives me a root shell now. . Remount /system as read/write: $ mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system You now have /system mounted as read/write! I think this has been simplified to adb remount before doing adb shell. Not sure how to mount it read only again... Of course you could try $ mount -o remount,ro -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system Pushing and pulling files: From Linux you can copy files to and from the Hero with $ adb push $ adb pull -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of current apps (* saved to /scard/saved and uninstalled with pm uninstall ) AccountSyncManager.apk AdobeReader.apk AppSharing.apk ApplicationsProvider.apk ** Blockbuster_htc.apk Bluetooth.apk BrcmBluetoothServices.apk Browser.apk BugReport.apk Calculator.apk Calendar.apk CalendarProvider.apk CertInstaller.apk CheckinProvider.apk ContactsProvider.apk CustomizationSettingsProvider.apk CustomizationSetup.apk DCSImpl.apk DCSStock.apk DCSUtility.apk DMClient.apk DMPortRead.apk DebugTool.apk DefaultContainerService.apk * DownloadProvider.apk * DownloadProviderUi.apk DrmProvider.apk EPST.apk Facebook.apk FieldTrial.apk FilePicker.apk * FlashLitePlugin.apk * Flashlight.apk Flickr.apk * FriendStream.apk FutureDialService.apk GSD.apk GenieWidget.apk Gmail.apk GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk GoogleFeedback.apk GooglePartnerSetup.apk GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk GoogleServicesFramework.apk HTCAlbum.apk HTCCamera.apk ** HTCMobileGuide.apk HTCSetupWizard.apk HTC_Evo_Sprint_NOVA_HEP_ML_320.apk HTC_IME.apk HTMLViewer.apk HtcAddProgramWidget.apk HtcCalculatorWidget.apk ** HtcCarPanel.apk HtcCdmaMccProvider.apk HtcClockWidget.apk HtcContacts.apk HtcDialer.apk HtcDm.apk ** HtcFMRadio.apk HtcFacebook.apk ** HtcFootprints.apk ** HtcFootprintsWidget.apk HtcIQAgent.apk HtcLocationPicker.apk HtcLocationService.apk HtcLockScreen.apk HtcLoggers.apk HtcMessageProvider.apk HtcMessageUploader.apk HtcMusic.apk (This is tempting) HtcPhotoWidget.apk HtcProfileWidget.apk ** HtcRingtoneTrimmer.apk ** HtcRingtoneWidget.apk HtcSettingsProvider.apk HtcSoundRecorder.apk HtcSprintService.apk HtcStreamPlayer.apk HtcSyncwidget.apk * HtcTwitter.apk HtcWeatherWallpaper.apk IQRD.apk ** Kindle- LiveWallpapers.apk LiveWallpapersPicker.apk MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk Mail.apk Maps.apk MarketUpdater.apk MediaProvider.apk MediaUploader.apk Mms.apk Mode10Wallpapers.apk NetworkLocation.apk * NewsReader.apk PCSCII.apk PVWmdrmProxy.apk PVWmdrmService.apk PackageInstaller.apk Phone.apk PicoTts.apk PluginManager.apk QuickLookup.apk Quickoffice.apk * RSS.apk Rosie.apk Settings.apk SettingsProvider.apk SetupWizard.apk SocialNetworkProvider.apk SoundRecorder.apk * SprintTVWidget.apk * SprintTV_v1_0_4_46_124166.apk * SprintZoneNC.apk * Sprint_InstallerNC_v2_1_0.apk * Sprint_Navigator.apk Stock.apk Street.apk Superuser.apk * Swype.apk SystemUI.apk Talk.apk TelephonyProvider.apk TtsService.apk Updater.apk UpgradeSetup.apk UploadProvider.apk UserDictionaryProvider.apk Vending.apk VisualizationWallpapers.apk VoiceDialer.apk VoiceSearch.apk VpnServices.apk Weather.apk WeatherAgentService.apk WeatherProvider.apk WeatherSyncProvider.apk * WidgetDownloadManager.apk WifiRouter.apk WorldClock.apk YouTube.apk ** amazonmp3.apk ** * * * htcbookmarkwidget.apk htccalendarwidgets.apk htccontactwidgets.apk htcmailwidgets.apk htcmsgwidgets.apk htcsettingwidgets.apk install_flash_player.apk * nascar09-prod-release.apk * qik.apk restartapp.apk sfl-prod-release.apk teeter.apk vtt-sprint_v5_1_60.apk