#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################ # # File: ecrc: ECR client # Description: This script is a test client for ecrd. # Author: Andrew@DeFaria.com # Created: Tue Feb 15 11:01:24 PST 2005 # Modified: # Language: Perl # # (c) Copyright 2005, LynuxWorks, all rights reserved. # ################################################################################ use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; my ($me, $abs_path, $lib_path, $bin_path, $log_path); BEGIN { # Extract relative path and basename from script name. $0 =~ /(.*)[\/\\](.*)/; $abs_path = (!defined $1) ? "." : File::Spec->rel2abs ($1); $me = (!defined $2) ? $0 : $2; $me =~ s/\.pl$//; # Setup paths $bin_path = "$abs_path"; $lib_path = "$abs_path/../lib"; $log_path = "$abs_path/../log"; # Add the appropriate path to our modules to @INC array. unshift (@INC, "$lib_path"); } # BEGIN use ecrc; # Global variables my $servername = (!defined $ENV {ECRDSERVER}) ? "lynx12" : $ENV {ECRDSERVER}; my $port = (!defined $ENV {ECRDPORT}) ? 1500 : $ENV {ECRDPORT}; my $ecr = ""; my @query_fields = (); my $verbose; my $debug; my $key; my $value; my %fields; my @ecrs; sub Usage { my $msg = shift; print "ERROR: $msg\n\n" if defined $msg; print "Usage: ecrc [-u] [-v] [-d] [ -s ] [ -p ] "; print "ECR [ fieldname... ]\n"; print "\nWhere:\n\n"; print "\t-u:\t\tDisplay usage\n"; print "\t-v:\t\tTurn on verbose mode (Default off)\n"; print "\t-d:\t\tTurn on debug mode (Default off)\n"; print "\t-s:\t\tUse server named servername (Default lynx12)\n"; print "\t-s:\t\tUse port (Default 1500)\n"; print "\tECR:\t\tECR number to obtain info about\n"; print "\tfieldname:\tECR field names to retrieve info about (Default all)\n"; exit 1; } # Usage sub GetParms { while ($ARGV [0]) { if ($ARGV [0] eq "-v") { $verbose = 1; ecrc::set_verbose; } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-d") { $debug = 1; ecrc::set_debug; } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-u") { Usage; } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-p") { shift @ARGV; Usage "Port not specified" if !$ARGV [0]; $port = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-s") { shift @ARGV; Usage "Server name not specified" if !$ARGV [0]; $servername = shift @ARGV; } else { $ecr = shift (@ARGV); last; } # if shift @ARGV; } # while @query_fields = @ARGV; # Downshift any query_fields my $i = 0; foreach (@query_fields) { $query_fields [$i++] = lc $_; } # foreach } # GetParms # Main code GetParms; die "Unable to connect to $servername:$port\n" if !ecrc::Connect ($servername, $port); if ($ecr) { if ($ecr eq "\*") { @ecrs = ecrc::GetECRRecord $ecr; foreach (@ecrs) { print "$_\n"; } # foreach exit; } # if %fields = ecrc::GetECRRecord ($ecr); if (!%fields) { print "ECR $ecr was not found\n"; } else { if (@query_fields) { foreach (@query_fields) { if (@query_fields > 1) { if (defined $fields{$_}) { print "$_: $fields{$_}\n"; } else { print "$_: \n"; } # if } else { if (defined $fields{$_}) { print "$fields{$_}\n"; } else { print "$_: \n"; } # if } # if } # foreach } else { while (($key, $value) = each (%fields)) { print "$key: $value\n"; } # while } # if } # if } else { print "Enter ECR:"; while (my $command = ) { chomp $command; last if $command =~ m/exit|quit/i; $ecr = $command; if ($ecr eq "\*") { my @ecrs = ecrc::GetECRRecord $ecr; foreach (@ecrs) { print "$_\n"; } # foreach } else { %fields = ecrc::GetECRRecord $ecr; if (!%fields) { print "ECR $ecr was not found\n"; } else { while (($key, $value) = each (%fields)) { print "$key: $value\n"; } # while } # if } # if print "Enter ECR:"; } # while } # if