#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################ # # File: log_activity,v # Revision: # Description: Logs Clearcase activity # Author: Andrew@DeFaria.com # Created: Tue Dec 27 16:33:30 PST 2005 # Modified: 2007/05/17 07:45:48 # Language: perl # # (c) Copyright 2000-2005, Andrew@DeFaria.com, all rights reserved. # ################################################################################ use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; my $me; BEGIN { # Set $lib_path my $lib_path = $^O =~ /MSWin/ ? "\\\\brcm-irv\\dfs\\projects\\ccase\\SCM\\lib" : "/projects/ccase/SCM/lib"; # Extract relative path and basename from script name. $0 =~ /(.*)[\/\\](.*)/; my $abs_path = (!defined $1) ? "." : File::Spec->rel2abs ($1); $me = (!defined $2) ? $0 : $2; $me =~ s/\.pl$//; # Add the appropriate path to our modules to @INC array. unshift @INC, "$lib_path"; unshift @INC, $ENV {SITE_PERL_LIBPATH} if defined $ENV {SITE_PERL_LIBPATH}; unshift @INC, "$abs_path"; } # BEGIN use OSDep; use Display; use DateUtils; use Logger; use Clearcase; use Clearcase::Vobs; use Clearcase::View; # The lshistory command needs a view context. We'll create this view # if necessary. my $tag = $ENV {DEFAULT_VIEW} ? $ENV {DEFAULT_VIEW} : "default"; # Path to logs directory my $logdir = "$scm_base$/logs"; error "Logdir $logdir does not exist - $!", 1 if !-d $logdir; sub Usage { my $msg = shift; display "ERROR: $msg\n" if defined $msg; display "Usage: $me\t[-u] [-v] [-d] [-n <# of days>] Where: -u: Display usage -v: Turn on verbose mode -d: Turn on debug mode -n: Number of days to report (Default: 1) Note: Number of days is relative to midnight. Output is to a logfile named activity..log. Since we want to be accurate this script attempts to have each log file have only that days activity. Therefore -n 1 will report everything in the last full 24 hour day, -n2 will be the last two full 24 hour days, etc. "; exit 1; } # Usage my $today = time; sub ReportActivity { my $view = shift; my $since = shift; my $cc = Clearcase->new; # This is Unix only! my $cmd = "$Clearcase::cleartool setview -exec \"$Clearcase::cleartool lshistory -since $since -avobs -fmt '%Nd;%Fu;%u@%h;%e;%n\\n'\" $view"; open OUTPUT, "$cmd|" or error "Unable to open pipe for $cmd", 1; my $today_ymd = YMD; my $date = YMD; my $logfile; while () { # Split the line into fields. The first field is date and time my @fields = split /;/; # Now split the first field by "." which separates the date and time @fields = split /\./, $fields [0]; # Never report today's activity because today's never over! # Reporting on today may give a partial result next if $fields [0] eq $today_ymd; # Ugh - might have stuff that's future dated! next if $fields [0] gt $today_ymd; # Skip noise. In this case noise is activity to the perftest # vob. No normal activity happens to perftest - just performance # testing. next if /${Clearcase::vobtag_prefix}perftest/; if ($fields [0] lt $date) { $date = $fields [0]; my $log_filename = $cc->sitename . ".activity.$date"; verbose "Starting logfile $log_filename"; $logfile = undef; $logfile = Logger->new (name => $log_filename, path => $logdir); } # if chomp; $logfile->log ($_); } # while close OUTPUT; } # ReportActivity my $nbr_days = 1; while ($ARGV [0]) { if ($ARGV [0] eq "-v") { Display::set_verbose; } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-d") { set_debug; } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-n") { shift @ARGV; if ($ARGV [0]) { $nbr_days = $ARGV [0]; } else { Usage "Need to specify nbr_days after -n"; } # if } elsif ($ARGV [0] eq "-u") { Usage; } else { Usage "Invalid argument: $ARGV [0]"; } # if shift (@ARGV); } # while my $date = YMD; verbose "Creating view $tag"; my $view = Clearcase::View->new (tag => $tag); $view->create; verbose "Mounting all vobs"; my $vobs = Clearcase::Vobs->new; $vobs->mount; # Compute $since my $seconds_in_day = 60 * 60 * 24; my $since = YMD ($today - ($nbr_days * $seconds_in_day)); verbose "Producing report"; ReportActivity $tag, $since;