#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################ # # File: lockvobs,v # Revision: # Description: [Un]locks all vobs in the current region, reports results # Author: Andrew@DeFaria.com # Created: Mon Mar 15 08:48:24 PST 2004 # Modified: 2007/05/17 07:45:48 # Language: Perl # # (c) Copyright 2004, Andrew@DeFaria.com, all rights reserved. # ################################################################################ use strict; use warnings; use Net::SMTP; use File::Spec; # This will be set in the BEGIN block but by putting them here the become # available for the whole script. my ( $abs_path, $me, $bin_path, $triggers_path, $lib_path, $log_path, $etc_path, $windows ); BEGIN { # Extract relative path and basename from script name. $0 =~ /(.*)[\/\\](.*)/; $abs_path = (!defined $1) ? "." : File::Spec->rel2abs ($1); $me = (!defined $2) ? $0 : $2; # Check to see if we are running on Windows $windows = ($^O =~ /MSWin/) ? "yes" : "no"; # Setup paths $bin_path = "$abs_path"; $triggers_path = "$abs_path/../triggers"; $lib_path = "$abs_path/../lib"; $log_path = "$abs_path/../log"; $etc_path = "$abs_path/../etc"; # Add the appropriate path to our modules to @INC array. unshift (@INC, "$lib_path"); } # BEGIN use Display; # Store logfile in CM_TOOLS/logs my $logfile = "$log_path/lockvobs.log"; # Production vob server my $vob_server = defined $ENV {VOBSERVER} ? $ENV {VOBSERVER} : undef; # Gotta be from somebody! my $from = defined $ENV {FROM} ? $ENV {FROM} : undef; # This should be changed to an email alias my @to = (); # Who gets notified when there are errors my @errors_to = (); my $unlock = "no"; my $execute = "yes"; my $smtphost = "appsmtp"; # Exceptions file my $exceptions_file = "$etc_path/vob_exceptions"; # Any errors? my $errors = 0; sub Usage { my $me = $0; $me =~ s/\.\///; print "Usage $me:\t[-u] [-n] [-smtphost ] [-to ]\n"; print "\nWhere:\n"; print "\t-u\t\tUnlock vobs (default lock vobs)\n"; print "\t-smtphost\tSpecifies what SMTP host to use for mail (default\n"; print "\t\t\tnotesmail01)\n"; print "\t-to\t\tComma separated list (no spaces) of email addresses to\n"; print "\t\t\tsend output to (default: bsomisetty\@ameriquest.net,\n"; print "\t\t\tsgopavarapu\@ameriquest.net)\n"; print "\t-errors-to\tComma separated list (no spaces) of email addresses\n"; print "\t\t\tto send (only errors) to (default:\n"; print "\t\t\tadefaria\@ameriquest.net)\n"; exit 1; } # Usage sub logmsg { my $msg = shift; open LOGFILE, ">>$logfile" or die "Unable to open logfile: $logfile - $!"; print LOGFILE $msg . "\n"; close LOGFILE; } # logmsg sub notify { my $smtphost = shift; my $from = shift; my $errors = shift; my $unlock = shift; my $subject = $unlock eq "yes" ? "Unlock VOBs" : "Lock VOBs"; # Connect to mail server my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new ($smtphost); die "Unable to open connection to mail host: $smtphost\n" if !defined $smtp; # Compose message $smtp->mail ($from); if ($errors ne 0) { # Add @errors_to foreach (@errors_to) { push @to, $_; } # foreach } # if # Add @to foreach (@to) { $smtp->to ($_); } # foreach # Start email data $smtp->data (); # Add From line $smtp->datasend ("From: $from\n"); # Add @to and @errors_to $smtp->datasend ("To: " . join (",", @to) . "\n"); # Add subject $smtp->datasend ("Subject: $subject\n\n"); # Open logfile open LOGFILE, $logfile or die "Unable to open logfile $logfile - $!\n"; while () { $smtp->datasend ($_); } # while $smtp->dataend (); $smtp->quit; return 0; } # notify sub Error { my $msg = shift; logmsg $msg; $errors++; notify $smtphost, $from, $errors, $unlock; exit $errors; } # Error sub IsAMember { my $item = shift; my @list = @_; $item =~ s/\\//g; foreach (@list) { chomp; s/\\//g; return 1 if $item eq $_; } # foreach return 0; } # IsAMember # Get parms while ($#ARGV >= 0) { if ($ARGV [0] eq "-u") { $unlock = "yes"; shift; next; } # if if ($ARGV [0] eq "-n") { $execute = "no"; shift; next; } # if if ($ARGV [0] eq "-smtphost") { shift; $smtphost = $ARGV [0]; shift; next; } # if if ($ARGV [0] eq "-to") { shift; @to = split /,/,$ARGV [0]; shift; next; } # if if ($ARGV [0] eq "-errors-to") { shift; @errors_to = split /,/,$ARGV [0]; shift; next; } # if Usage; } # while Usage "Vob server hasn't been defined" if !defined $vob_server; Usage "From has not been specified" if !defined $from; Usage "To has not been specified" if @to; Usage "Errors to has not been specififed" if @errors_to; open EXCEPTIONS, $exceptions_file or error "Unable to open exceptions file ($exceptions_file)", 1; my @exceptions = ; # Remove logfile if present unlink ($logfile) if (-e $logfile); # Get list of vobs open (VOBS, "cleartool lsvob -short -host $vob_server|") or Error "Can't list vobs: $!"; # Process them while () { chomp; chop if /\r/; # any carriage return next if $#exceptions ne 0 and IsAMember ($_, @exceptions); $_ = "\\" . $_ if $windows ne "yes"; # [Un]lock the vob if ($unlock eq "yes") { if ($execute eq "no") { print "[noexecute] cleartool unlock vob:$_\n"; } else { system ("cleartool unlock vob:$_ >> $logfile 2>&1"); } # if } else { if ($execute eq "no") { print "[noexecute] cleartool lock vob:$_\n"; } else { system ("cleartool lock vob:$_ >> $logfile 2>&1"); } # if } # if # Convert the status my $status = $? >> 8; if ($status ne 0) { $errors++; } # if } # while my $status = $execute eq "yes" ? notify $smtphost, $from, $errors, $unlock : 0; exit $status;