Handled another corner case in displaying of email
[clearscm.git] / web / clearquest / ldap_settings.cfg
1 #################################################################################
2 #
3 # File:         ldap_settings.cfg
4 # Description:  Describes the various LDAP parameters
5 # Author:       Andrew@DeFaria.com
6 # Created:      Wed Nov  2 11:19:04 PST 2005
7 # Language:     None
8 #
9 # (c) Copyright 2005, Andrew@DeFaria.com, all rights reserved.
10 #
11 ################################################################################
12 DBSet:                          2005.02.00
13 Admin_username:                 admin
14 #Admin_password:                
15 Servers:                        server.clearscm.com
16 Port:                           389
17 Search_distinguished_name:      <deistinguished_name>
18 #Search_password:       
19 BaseDN:                         <BaseDN>
20 Scope:                          sub
21 Account_attribute:              samAccountName
22 Search_filter:                  samAccountName=%login%
23 CQ_field:                       CQ_LOGIN_NAME
24 attribute_search_entry:         samAccountName
25 Test_username:                  <username>
26 Test_password:                  <password>