Fixed FormatTime to properly fill in leading zeros when hours are less
[clearscm.git] / rc / gitconfig
1 [user]
2         name = Andrew DeFaria
3         email =
4 [pack]
5         windowMemory=128m
6         threads=1
7         deltaCacheSize=128m
8 [core]
9         pager = less -RX
10         packedGitLimit=128m
11         packedGitWindowSize=128m
12 [color]
13         status=auto
14         diff=auto
15         branch=auto
17 # Currently these are restating the default
18 [color "branch"]
19         current=green
20         local=white
21         remote=red
22 [color "diff"]
23         external = /usr/local/bin/git-meld
24 [color "status"]
25         added=yellow
26         changed=green
27         untracked=cyan
29 [alias]
30         co=checkout
31         ci=commit
32         st=status
33         br=branch
34         hist=log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --graph --date=short
35         type=cat-file -t
36         dump=cat-file -p
37         dlog=log --decorate
38 [push]
39         default = simple