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[clearscm.git] / maps / SignupForm.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
3 <html xmlns="" lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US">
4 <head>
5   <title>MAPS: Signup</title>
6   <link rev="made" href="">
7   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/maps/css/MAPSStyle.css">
8   <script src="/maps/JavaScript/MAPSUtils.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
9   <script src="/maps/JavaScript/CheckSignup.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
10 </head>
11 <body onResize="AdjustTableWidth (&quot;signup&quot;);">
13 <div class="heading">
14 <h2 class="header" align="center">Spam Elimination System</h2>
15 <h3 class="header" align="center">Sign up for MAPS</h3>
16 </div>
18 <div class="content">
19 <div id="leftbar">
20 <div class="username">&nbsp;</div>
21 <div class="menu">
22 <a href="/maps/">MAPS Home</a><br>
23 <a href="/maps/doc/">What is MAPS?</a><br>
24 <a href="/maps/doc/SPAM.html">What is SPAM?</a><br>
25 <a href="/maps/doc/Requirements.html">Requirements</a><br>
26 <a href="/maps/SignupForm.html">Signup</a><br>
27 <a href="/maps/doc/Using.php">Using MAPS</a><br>
28 <a href="/maps/doc/">Help</a>
29 </div>
30 </div>
32 <form method="post" action="/maps/bin/signup.cgi" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" onsubmit="return validate (this);">
33 <table id="signup" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%"
34  align="center">
35   <tbody>
36     <tr>
37       <td class="label" width="135">Username:</td>
38       <td width="290"><input class="inputfield" type="text" size="25"
39       name="userid"></td>
40       <td class="notetext">Specify a username to log into MAPS<br>
41       </td>
42     </tr>
43     <tr>
44       <td class="label">Full name:</td>
45       <td><input class="inputfield" type="text" size="50"
46       name="fullname"></td>
47       <td class="notetext">Specify your full name<br>
48       </td>
49     </tr>
50     <tr>
51       <td class="label">Email Address:</td>
52       <td><input class="inputfield" type="text" size="50" name="email"></td>
53       <td class="notetext">Your email address is used if you are a <i>Tag
54       &amp; Forward</i> user. This is the email address that MAPS&nbsp;
55       will forward your email to after it tags it. This email address is
56       also used in case you forget your password so that we can email you
57       your password. </td>
58     </tr>
59     <tr>
60       <td class="label">Password:</td>
61       <td><input class="inputfield" type="password" size="20"
62        name="password"></td>
63       <td class="notetext">Choose a password greater than 6 characters<br>
64       </td>
65     </tr>
66     <tr>
67       <td class="label">Repeat Password:</td>
68       <td><input class="inputfield" type="password" size="20"
69        name="repeated_password"></td>
70       <td class="notetext">Re-enter your password so we can be sure
71       you typed it correctly<br>
72       </td>
73     </tr>
74     <tr>
75       <td class="label">MAPSPOP User: </td>
76       <td class="label"><input type="radio" name="MAPSPOP" value="yes"
77       onclick="alert('Sorry but MAPSPOP has not yet been implemented'); return false;">Yes
78       <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="MAPSPOP" value="no">No</td>
79       <td class="notetext">MAPSPOP users need to download <a
80       href="/maps/bin/MAPSPOP.exe">MAPSPOP</a>.
81       See <a href="/maps/doc/UsingMAPSPOP.html"><i>Using MAPSPOP</i></a> 
82       for more information.<br>
83       </td>
84     </tr>
85     <tr>
86       <td class="label">Keep history for:<br>
87       </td>
88       <td class="label">
89       <select name="history" class="inputfield">
90       <option>7</option>
91       <option>14</option>
92       <option selected="selected">30</option>
93       <option>60</option>
94       <option>90</option>
95       </select>
96       &nbsp;days </td>
97       <td class="notetext">This specifies how many days of history
98       that MAPS will keep before discarding returned messages.<br>
99       </td>
100     </tr>
101     <tr>
102       <td class="label">Dates in Stats Page<br>
103       </td>
104       <td class="label">
105       <select name="dates" class="inputfield">
106       <option selected="selected">7</option>
107       <option>14</option>
108       <option>21</option>
109       <option>30</option>
110       </select>
111       </td>
112       <td class="notetext">This specifies how many days are displayed
113       in the MAPS Stats Page.<br>
114       </td>
115     </tr>
116     <tr>
117       <td class="label">Entries per page:<br>
118       </td>
119       <td class="label">
120       <select name="days" class="inputfield">
121       <option selected="selected">10</option>
122       <option>20</option>
123       <option>30</option>
124       <option>40</option>
125       <option>50</option>
126       </select>
127       </td>
128       <td class="notetext">This specifies how many entries are
129       displayed per page in the online MAPS Reports.<br>
130       </td>
131     </tr>
132     <tr>
133       <td class="label"><i>Tag &amp; Forward</i>:</td>
134       <td class="label"><input type="radio" name="tag_and_forward"
135        value="yes"
136        onclick="alert('Sorry but Tag & Forward has not yet been implemented'); return false;">Yes
137       <input type="radio" name="tag_and_forward" checked="checked"
138        value="no">No</td>
139       <td class="notetext"><i>Tag and Forward</i> means that MAPS
140       will not filter or save any email for you. Instead it will simply 
141       add an X-MAPS header to your email indicating what MAPS would have
142       done with the email. This allows you to filter your email in your
143       local email client.<br>
144       </td>
145     </tr>
146   </tbody>
147 </table>
149 <div style="text-align: center;"><br>
150 <input type="submit" value="Sign Up!"></div>
151 <div class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2001-2004 - All rights reserved<br>
152 <a href="">Andrew DeFaria</a> <a
153  href="">&lt;;</a></div>
154 </div>
155 <script language='JavaScript1.2'>AdjustTableWidth ("signup");</script>
156 </body>
157 </html>