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11 <h2>\r
12 <font face="Arial,Helvetica">Forbidden Planet</font></h2></center>\r
13 <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Descriptive text goes here!</font></font>\r
14 <center><table BORDER=0 >\r
15 <tr>\r
16 <td><img SRC="Images/andy.jpg" height=325 width=240 align=TEXTTOP></td>\r
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18 <td><img SRC="Images/ScottKahn.jpg" height=325 width=240 align=TEXTTOP></td>\r
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21 <tr>\r
22 <th><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="/">Andrew\r
23 DeFaria</a></font></font>\r
24 <br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Guitar/Vocals</font></font>\r
25 <br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Formally of <i>Cast of Shadows,\r
26 Bottoms Up</i></font></font></th>\r
27 \r
28 <th><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Scott Kahn</font></font>\r
29 <br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Keybords/Vocals</font></font>\r
30 <br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Formally of <i>???</i></font></font></th>\r
31 </tr>\r
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34 <td><img SRC="MarilynManson.jpg" height=400 width=270 align=TEXTTOP></td>\r
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36 <td><img SRC="Images/scott.jpg" height=325 width=240 align=TEXTTOP></td>\r
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39 <tr>\r
40 <th><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Michelle Dancheck</font></font>\r
41 <br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Vocals</font></font></th>\r
42 \r
43 <th><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="">Scott\r
44 Dinn</a></font></font>\r
45 <br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Drums/Vocals</font></font>\r
46 <br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Formally of <i>Cast of Shadows,\r
47 Bottoms Up</i></font></font></th>\r
48 </tr>\r
49 </table></center>\r
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51 <hr size=5>\r
52 <center><i><font size=-1>Copyright &copy; 1998 Andrew DeFaria</font></i></center>\r
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